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Artist information


If you want information on using my music or want to send me some comments, you can e-mail me, or feel free to add me to GAIM/messenger if you want to talk. I am on every now and then:

jesuszillamusic at hotmail dot com


My name is David C, I am 20 and I release music for free on the internet.

I originally started using Fast Tracker II sometime around 1997 for a couple of years, although at this time I didn’t listen to much music and the tracks I made were very poor. Due to a lack of decent samples and instruments creating music in that program could be quite frustrating, leading to me eventually giving it up.

Towards the end of 1999 I started to play the guitar. It is at this point my musical influences grew and I began to listen to much more artists rather than just The Prodigy and Oasis like when I started out.

After abandoning computer music so long ago, I started using a music program called Reason in March of 2003. Over two years on my music has come a long way and you can see for yourself by listening to various tracks on my site. At some point in the future I would like to look for a singer to take my music to the next level.

Music credits

‘The Scene’
Eight of my tracks are used in Episode #13 of this internet series (check links page). Tracks used: Someplace Good, Fountain, Beholder, Here Tomorrow, Tricks and Traps, Sanguine, Underdog and Saccharine.

‘The Ultimate Matrix Collection’ (10 Disc Set) DVD
Ten of my tracks are used in this DVD set which includes the three Matrix films and extra features. Tracks used: Immolate, Circles, 34, Hang Out On Clouds, All Messed Up, Lunkhead, She Gazed Upon You, Harlequin, Toffee and Feeling The Truth.

The website and all music files are copyright of David Cooper. You cannot use the music in any form without written permission.


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